Ms. Anna Beganskaya: Artistic Pursuits, Human Relations, and Intrapersonal Intelligence

Ms. Anna Beganskaya’s honesty on her artistic motivations, her work conduct, and how she views the 3D industry as a whole is refreshing. She admits at not seeing her craft as a calling and that talent was not necessarily a factor when she decided to push through with 3D creation.
We were made to understand that her motivation is actually more human—and more relatable at that. Ms. Beganskaya sees interaction with people as more than good reason to delve into art creation. It is to our opinion that this artistic catalyst is desirable and more than inspiring.
And on top of that, Ms. Beganskaya is multi-facetted. Her artistic inclinations do not end at art production but branches out into Figure Skating and Dancing. Indeed, this is an artist who is rich, not only in talent, but also in world view. Xeno Creatives is more than honoured to have had a chance to interview her.
Xeno Creatives (XC): We understand that with just about any craft, passion takes precedence. In your case, how did it start becoming a passion? Would we be right in assuming that you consider it a “calling”?

Anna Beganskaya (AB): Well, to be honest, it has never been a calling. I have no talent in Art at all and video games have never been a main part of my life. Psychologically, I belong to a visual type of personality, it means that it is so important for me to see beauty everywhere. Actually at the very beginning I considered 3D studies as an experiment or even kind of entertainment but I would have never thought that it could become my career.
XC: Was there ever an art piece (digital or otherwise) or artist who served as a catalyst for your involvement in the craft? When did you get involved fully in the 3D industry?
AB: No, I am never inspired by any piece of art. I admire a lot of artists but I never get inspired by their work. I gain my inspiration from communication, talking face to face with interesting, weird, talented and (this is the most important point) optimistic people. So my inspiration comes mostly from people, but also from travelling, studying different cultures, looking at the ocean and from doing absolutely nothing.

When did I get fully involved in 3D? Honestly, I am not sure… maybe 4 years ago, when I left a position of a sales manager and got my first job in 3D.
XC: We looked into the Facebook profile that you had sent and was amazed not only with your works, but also your interest in Figure Skating. Is this something that you still do? If so, how do you balance your time with the sport and your time with 3D art creation?
AB: Yeeaaah, I adore my figure skating. But half a year ago I gave it up and returned to a dancing class. I danced for about 10 years in the past and it is still my favourite kind of sport. Actually I have no problem in balancing my time. I almost never overwork, or overest, or oversport. I learned to feel really good and everything what I do is done mostly from “I want”, not from “I need”. The balance in everything is the best remedy from the upcoming depressions.

XC: Now that you’re an active part of the industry, would you say you have pegged a solid place in it?
AB: Well, actually I am not sure but mostly yes than no.
XC: How does your day look like in production?
AB: I usually wake up at 7 o’clock. I am kind of an early bird. I have a quick breakfast and then I go for a walk (about 1 hour). Then I come back and start working at 10. I work till lunch then I take a break for an hour. During this time I walk again or play the piano, or go to a beauty room. In general, I do anything what can restore my inner resources. Then I come back, work till dinner. After dinner I either go to do sports or plan a new video for my Youtube channel. Yes, I have a youtube channel and here it is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7lVtTwjmz6wklVnCS8xPgA

Sometimes I work after dinner, but I never work after 21.00 just because I am absolutely useless and unproductive late in the evening.
XC: What are the common challenges that a 3D artist like you encounters day-in, day-out in a project?
AB: Well, the common challenge for me is to work on the project which I don’t like. In this case I make as many mistakes as possible even when I have a simple task. When I make a project that I like I can even show better results than I usually do.
XC: As we had already mentioned, we had the chance of seeing your works online. It was such a delight. Your concepts are endearing. Do you have favourite pieces amongst your works? If so, what made them your favourite?

AB: Sure I have! Actually I need to confess I love all the works in my portfolio with all their drawbacks and mistakes. But the favorite one I think is this:
I was so much in love making chibis for the Riot Games merch. Each part of Morgana is made with such love and care from my side.
XC: What would you consider your biggest or most exciting project to date?
AB: Well, to be honest I am so so excited for the project I have right now at work, but I think I need to keep silent until my characters for it are released. As for the previous ones I am immensely proud by my 3D contribution to the Darksiders Genesis and the League of Legends merch. And my dream is to make characters for the Overwatch game.

XC: If you weren’t a 3D artist today, what would you be working as?
AB: Well, I would be a writer, or a blogger, or a teacher, or a localizator or a psychologist or a veterinary. You know 3D is not the ONLY my passion. I adore a lot of things.
XC: What is your message to other artists especially in these trying times?
AB: First of all they should remember the phrase “I don’t care about other peoples’ ideas of what I should do in my own life”. Second, you should feel yourself. For some people it is OK to work 24/7 but for others it is not. Just find your most productive and long term way to work. Third, find a good mentor, even if it is not free of charge. With a good mentor your skill will grow triple faster than without such a person. Fourth, develop your soft skills. They are more important than you think, never underestimate them. And the final one, be positive, optimistic, believe in yourself and never give up.
Want to see more of Ms. Anna Beganskaya’s works? Click here!