Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Ground: Mr. Ahmed Abdullah and His Journey as a Digital Artist
Mr. Ahmed Abdullah is an artist who has his feet firmly on the ground. He knows how to dream, knows how to chase them, but is humble enough to admit that he simply does not have a solid place in the industry. And his reason? Ahmed believes that if he feels he already has a place in the 3D world, then that would end his journey; he’ll no longer progress.
Ahmed never breaks his stamina in production, nor does he lose his spirit when his plans go south. He is resilient and not easily rattled.
In this short feature, let’s get to know Mr. Ahmed Abdullah and how he charts the 3D industry to become an artist of worth.

Xeno Creatives (XC): We understand that with just about any craft, passion takes precedence. In your case, how did it start becoming a passion?
Ahmed Abdullah (AA) I have my father to thank for this. This simple man once told me, “Ahmed… Look at this stuff. Maybe you’ll like it.” And I did!
XC: Would we be right in assuming that you consider it a “calling” as a lot of your contemporaries do?
AA: Why yes! I have developed a strong attachment to it that made me look at the craft as a calling. It motivated me to continue and weather all failures that I have experienced so that I could rise further.
XC: Was there ever an art piece (digital or otherwise) or artist who served as a catalyst for your involvement in the craft?

AA: Yeah, I’ve always looked to the artwork of artists like Abdulrahman Qubisi, Mahmoud Salah, Grant Warwick, Kris Costa, Luc Begin, and Frank Tzeng.
XC: When did you get involved fully in the 3D industry?
AA: I got fully involved in the 3D industry probably back in 2018.
XC: Now that you’re an active part of the industry, would you say you have pegged a solid place in it?
AA: I can’t say that right now because if I say that, it will be the end of my development. Every human being must always feel that there’s still a lot to learn.

XC: What are the common challenges that a 3D artist like you encounters daily in a project?
AA: The biggest challenge facing a 3D artist is keeping track of the ongoing evolution of the industry, This requires sacrificing a lot of time and exerting a lot of effort. We’re not like normal people who enjoy their free time after work.
XC: We had the chance of seeing your works online. We were really impressed with your knack for detail and the likeness of some icons is really uncanny. But do you have favorite pieces? If so, why are these your favorites? Also, what would you consider your biggest or most exciting project to date?
AA: Yes of course. My latest “Ertugrul” Project is my heart’s favorite. I started it in 2018, and it had failed numerous times until I was finally able to finish it.

XC: If you were to market yourself what would you highlight as your edge?
AA: I would have to project my capabilities in cinematic character modeling.
XC: If you weren’t a 3D artist today, what would you be working as?
AA: Maybe I will be a great cook or a failed lawyer.
XC: What is your message to other artists in these challenging times?
AA: Time is the artist’s capital. Please don’t waste it. And everyone at some point in their lives has already experienced failure. That’s normal. But the important thing is to keep going until you get to your desired destination.
Want to see more of Mr. Ahmed Abdullah’s awesome works? Click here!